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Brittany Rickard Wins NC SOT PARC Award

On Oct 9th, Dr. Brittany Rickard (post-doc in the Fenton lab) won the NC SOT President Award for Research Competition (PARC) award for her talk...

Sue Fenton wins US DOHaD Society Scientist Award

On Oct 15th, Sue Fenton (RTC, Admin Core) was awarded the US DOHaD Society Scientist Award, which was established to recognize a scientist who has...

SRP Hosts Damian Helbling

SRP will be hosting Damian Helbling during the CCEE Speaker Series. Damian will giving a talk on Managing Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Semiconductor...

Superfund’s RETCC and CEC Hosts a Mini-Retreat

The Superfund’s RETCC and CEC hosted an on campus mini-retreat to re/connect, review the Center’s goals and structure, and engage our trainees and community partners...