By dwhallOn Oct 9th, Dr. Brittany Rickard (post-doc in the Fenton lab) won the NC SOT President Award for Research Competition (PARC) award for her talk... |Admin Core, News
By dwhallOn Oct 15th, Sue Fenton (RTC, Admin Core) was awarded the US DOHaD Society Scientist Award, which was established to recognize a scientist who has... |CEC Core, News
By dwhallIn summer 2024, the NIEHS-funded North Carolina State University (NC State) Superfund Research Program Center launched a year-long project to bring data science into middle... |News, Project 4
By dwhallPer- and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals, known commonly as PFAS, could take over 40 years to flush out of contaminated groundwater in North Carolina’s Cumberland and Bladen... |News, Project 1
By dwhallBy dwhall Join Jane Hoppin (Project 1) and the GenX Study team in person to discuss the results of the 2023 sampling specific to each community. We will discuss... |CEC Core, News
By dwhallWhen North Carolina communities were concerned about possible per- and polyflourylalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination, researchers and community engagement specialists from the North Carolina State University (NC...