Recent Posts

Cary Academy Learns About PFAS

Cary Academy stop by Monday to tour the lab and zebrafish facility, and to learn about PFAS in the environment and how to remediate/remove it...

Congrats to Scott Belcher and Emily Griffith

Scott Belcher (Project 3) and Emily Griffith (DMAC) are Newly Promoted Faculty. Promotion and tenure mark major milestones in the academic lives of NC State...

Scott Belcher to Give Ted Talk

Scott Belcher (Project 3) will be giving a Ted Talk as part of the Planet Action Summit at MIT. Scott’s presentation is focusing on One...

Superfund’s RETCC and CEC Hosts a Mini-Retreat

The Superfund’s RETCC and CEC hosted an on campus mini-retreat to re/connect, review the Center’s goals and structure, and engage our trainees and community partners...

Hannah Starnes – Dissertation Defense Seminar

Please join Hannah Starnes (Project 3 Trainee) for her dissertation defense of A New In Vitro and Machine Learning Framework for Characterizing Albumin Binding Across the Per-...