Sue Fenton

Admin Core, Research Translation Coordinator; Director of the Center for Human Health and the Environment (CHHE), Professor, Biological Sciences, College of Sciences, NC State


Broadening the Environmental Lens to Include Social and Structural Determinants of Women’s Health Disparities
Smarr, M. M., Avakian, M., Lopez, A. R., Onyango, B., Amolegbe, S., Boyles, A., … Dixon, D. (2024), Environmental Health Perspectives, 132(1).
Whole mount preparation and analysis of rabbit mammary gland
Rawtani, H., Jackson, J., Gao, F., Mellouk, N., Myer, I., Mora, K. C., … Feng, L. (2024), REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY, 130.
A complex systems model of breast cancer etiology: The Paradigm II Model
Hiatt, R. A., Worden, L., Rehkopf, D., Engmann, N., Troester, M., Witte, J. S., … Porco, T. C. (2023), PLOS ONE, 18(5), e0282878.
Erratum: Current Breast Milk PFAS Levels in the United States and Canada: After All This Time, Why Don’t We Know More?
LaKind, J. S., Verner, M.-A., Rogers, R. D., Goeden, H., Naiman, D. Q., Marchitti, S. A., … Fenton, S. E. (2023), Environmental Health Perspectives.
Exposure to select PFAS and PFAS mixtures alters response to platinum-based chemotherapy in endometrial cancer cell lines
Rickard, B. P., Overchuk, M., Tulino, J., Tan, X., Ligler, F. S., Bae-Jump, V. L., … Rizvi, I. (2023), Environmental Health, 22(1).
Methods to Evaluate Changes in Mitochondrial Structure and Function in Cancer
Rickard, B. P., Overchuk, M., Chappell, V. A., Kemal Ruhi, M., Sinawang, P. D., Nguyen Hoang, T. T., … Rizvi, I. (2023), Cancers, 15(9), 2564.
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Breastfeeding as a Vulnerable Function: A Systematic Review of Epidemiological Studies
Timmermann, A., Avenbuan, O. N., Romano, M. E., Braun, J. M., Tolstrup, J. S., Vandenberg, L. N., & Fenton, S. E. (2023), Toxics, 11(4), 325.
A High-Throughput Toxicity Screen of 42 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Functional Assessment of Migration and Gene Expression in Human Placental Trophoblast Cells
Blake, B. E., Rickard, B. P., & Fenton, S. E. (2022), Frontiers in Toxicology, 4.
Best practices to quantify the impact of reproductive toxicants on development, function, and diseases of the rodent mammary gland
Matouskova, K., Szabo, G. K., Daum, J., Fenton, S. E., Christiansen, S., Soto, A. M., … Vandenberg, L. N. (2022), Reproductive Toxicology, 112, 51–67.
Brominated flame retardants
Kodavanti, P. R. S., Stoker, T. E., Fenton, S. E., & Curras-Collazo, M. (2022),

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Sue Fenton