Every three years, the Michigan-based Borchardt Conference brings together a diverse group of engineers, scientists, public health specialists, and students to present and discuss the latest challenges and advances in water and wastewater technology. This event emphasizes applied research and real-life experience in environmental engineering and water utility operations, and we’re excited to participate later this month!
This year, the conference took place on May 23 – May 24 at the Rackham Building at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Congratulations to the 2023 Borchardt-Glysson Water Treatment Innovation Prize winner, Dr. Detlef Knappe, who was honored at the conference and awarded a $10,000 cash prize. Dr. Knappe also gave a lecture at the conference on PFAS and other unregulated contaminants in the Cape Fear River Watershed of North Carolina, including community impacts and interventions to reduce human exposure. In addition to his distinguished work as a professor and research team leader to NC State University, Dr. Knappe serves as deputy director of NC State Center for Environmental and Health Effects of PFAS, is a member of NC State Center for Human Health and the Environment and has also collaborated with several water utilities in Michigan on PFAS removal from drinking water. Read more HERE.