Recent Posts

Superfund’s RETCC and CEC Hosts a Mini-Retreat

The Superfund’s RETCC and CEC hosted an on campus mini-retreat to re/connect, review the Center’s goals and structure, and engage our trainees and community partners...

Welcome Kiara Servin – Center (CEC) Intern

Join SRP in welcoming Kiara Servin, who will be working with the Community Engagement Core (CEC) this summer through the Science Communicators of North Carolina’s...

SRP Centers Partner to Address PCB Concerns

Researchers at North Carolina State University (NC State) and the University of Iowa Superfund Research Program (SRP) centers partnered to address community concerns about polychlorinated...

SRP will be at the National PFAS Conference

SRP staff, trainees, and affiliates are invited speakers, have had posters accepted, or both at the National PFAS Conference in June. Carolyn Mattingly (Admin Core)...

Katy May and Lacey Brown are Helping Teachers

Katy May and Lacey Brown (CEC) are working with The Science House and Data Science Academy to plan a year-long project that brings local teachers together to...