Cores Overview
Our Cores will assist in facilitating communication within and without the Center; provide expertise and technologies for remediation; educate impacted communities through local, state, and governmental partnerships; coordinate development, management, and analysis of data between Projects, and train future leaders and scientists to devise methods of prevention and restoration of impacted communities.
Administrative Core: Director: Carolyn Mattingly; Deputy Director: Detlef Knappe; Research Translation Coordinator: Sue Fenton; Program Manager: Denise Hall
Core of Advanced Platform Technologies Used for Remediation and Exploration (CAPTURE): Director: Erin Baker; Mass Spectrometrist: Jeff Enders
Community Engagement Core (CEC): Director: Katlyn May; Community Engagement Specialist: Lacey Brown
Data Management and Analysis Core (DMAC): Director: Emily Griffith
Research Experience and Training Coordination Core (RETCC): Co-Directors: Ranji Ranjithan and Antonio Planchart