Several of the Superfund’s staff and trainees presented posters at the SRP 35th Anniversary Annual Meeting held in Raleigh, NC in December.
Jeffrey Enders – Mass Spectrometrist CAPTURE Core
Poster title: High resolving power mass spectrometry measurements of human serum reveal PEPA isobaric interference
Maria Isabel Alexander Rodriguez – Trainee Project 4
Poster title: Kinetics of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Adsorption to Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)
Ashley Connors – Trainee Project 2
Poster title: How Do Per- And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Affect Macrophage Phagocytosis?
Matthew Farrell – Trainee Project 3
Poster title: Behavioral effects of chronic PFAS exposure in zebrafish
Giuliano Ferrero – Trainee Project 2
Poster title: Algorithm-assisted quantification of zebrafish neutrophils for high-throughput identification of immunotoxic compounds
Sarangi Joseph – Trainee Project 4
Poster title: Mechanisms of PFAS adsorption to activated carbon at adsorption equilibrium
Kaylie Kirkwood – Trainee CAPTURE Core
Poster title: Evaluating liver lipidome dysregulation following exposure to legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
Kaylie also won 1st Place during Poster Session I.
Zachary McLean – Trainee Project 3
Poster title: Evaluation of Haemogregarina crocodilnorum Infection as a Biomarker of Adverse Health Impacts of PFAS in American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis)
Nnamdi Osakwe – Trainee DMAC Core
Poster title: The Environmental Integrity Framework: Building Informative Models Relevant to Local Needs
Britney Paul Rajamanickam – Trainee Project 1
Poster title: PFAS are associated with elevated liver enzymes in participants of the GenX Exposure Study
Drake Phelps – Trainee Project 2
Poster title: Comparing the Respiratory Burst In Vivo, In Vitro, and Ex Vivo After Exposure to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
Morgan Ritter – Trainee Project 2
Poster title: Early disruption of vitamin D receptor signaling induces developmental behavior deficits in zebrafish
Kylie Rock – Trainee Project 3
Poster title: Companion Animals as Sentinels of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Exposure and Associated Health Biomarkers
Hannah Starnes – Trainee Project 3
Poster Title: Comparative assessment of PFAS binding affinities for serum albumin across species using Differential Scanning Fluorimetry
Hannah also won 2nd Place during Poster Session II.
Stefanie Starr – Trainee Project 4
Poster title: Thermal Reactivation of Spent Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) from PFAS Remediation Sites